Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Journey East

I departed for Baker City, beginning my long journey east. I filled up my tank and was on my way! I took Interstate 84 all the way to Exit 304. Cruise control set at 72 per Paul's suggestion yesterday. :)

Much of the drive looked like this. Nice big open spaces. :)

Though rather wet, the drive was gorgeous. Enya and Anodea Judith kept me company as I drove along the 2-lane highway through mountains, across farmland, and through small towns. As I approached La Grande, things got to be incredibly foggy, and visibility was minimal at best. Driving through areas with names such as Deadman's Pass was not entirely reassuring. Still, I pressed on. The journey took longer than anticipated due to weather, but I was later informed that the "difficult" conditions I experienced were actually pretty good. I lucked out, I was told; the night prior, a blizzard had passed through that area.

First signs of snow. Luckily no chains required during the drive.

I finally saw the lights of Baker City around 5:15PM. By the time I drove into town, night had fallen. I drove into town, full of curiousity and excitement. I followed the directions to my apartment and discovered that I am only one block away from the very quaint Main Street.

I arrived at my apartment and eagerly hopped out of my car. So that's what it feels like to drive for 5 hours straight--ouch! No matter. I was too excited to check out my new place! Gary and Mercy had left my porch light on and the key in the mail box. I opened the door and found myself standing in the entry way to an adorable place! I walked around and nearly giggled outloud (again, this is the first apartment where I've lived alone). So cute!

I walked around the living room, which serves as a common room, and off which branches the bathroom, passageway to the kitchen, and bedroom. My apartment is equipped with a TV and DVD player, desk, Queen-sized bed, and three comfy sofas, and full kitchen.

I brought all my stuff in, and that alone took 15 minutes. As usual, I packed waaay too much! I unpacked a little and then talked to Dr. Schott, my preceptor. He welcomed me to Baker City ("Baker" to locals) and suggested Barley Brown's Brew Pub. "Best food in town!" Previous tenants had left a lot of suggestions, notes, and tips on a whiteboard in the kitchen on places to visit and local attractions! Apparently, someone else had been quite fond of Barley Brown's as well, according to the whiteboard.

Before I headed to Barley Brown's, however, I drove to the hospital and clinic, where I'll be working. The drive took about 6 minutes. I scoped things out and was impressed by the size of the hospital. I look forward to seeing it in daylight.

At Barley Brown's I had delicious, homemade crab cakes, mashed potatoes, and steamed veggies. It sure hit the spot! I had a feeling that when I walked in, I'd be identified as a foreigner. As they say, "It's all in the head," and everyone was really hospitable and welcoming. :)

After dinner, I stopped by to say hello to Gary and Mercy. They are both so sweet and have two little girls named Emma and Elizabeth. I'm back at home now and am utterly exhausted. Unpacking will have to wait--I have to be at the hospital at 6AM!

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