Tuesday, January 26, 2010

When in Rome...

When in Baker, go belly dancing! Baker has a great place called Crossroads Art Center that "was established to aid, encourage, advise, and correlate activities to promote and sustain the creative and performing arts in Baker County andneighboring communities. [They] sponsor classes in drama, music, dance, oil painting, watercolor, sculpture, pottery, creative writing and other disciplines as well as adult and children's performances and visual art exhibits."

One of my patients had talked about a tribal belly dancing class she attended, so I thought I'd check it out. I attended the class tonight. Everyone was really friendly and welcome and tolerant of my lack of dancing abilities. These ladies are so good! I especially enjoyed watching Tymmera, the teacher (who, as it turns out, is the dental hygienist I had met before at the Halfway Pine Eagle Clinic!).

The regulars perfomed a "Basket Dance" they have been working on for quite some time. It's such a beautiful dance form! I feel inspired. :) I bought this album that Tymmera recommended: Migration by Gypsy Caravan. This the type of music we danced to tonight. It's hard not to move when you listen to it! Speaking of music and dance, check out this video called "The Musical Brain." It was shown on my United flight last month and is absolutely fascinating! Here's an interesting article on the same topic. Very cool! Reminds me discussions we had during my Anthropology of World Music class at ND with Stephan Fior. We humans are meant to make music and dance!

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